Friday, January 12, 2018

My first week as Mrs. Hoover's Student Teacher

This past week has been wonderful! Check out my Mid-Winter convention blog to read about my Farm Show trip! (

Wednesday was my first day in the classroom - I have my own desk right next to Mrs. Hoover's and we have been working on my assignments since I wasn't teaching last week. I also starting working on a fundraiser that we will be starting on Monday. The ag department is going to sell hoagies and I am going to run the fundraiser for Mrs. Hoover.

I also realized how important it is to really give students my full attention. No matter what I am doing when a student talks to me, I try to make sure I am looking at them and really listening. I want to make sure that I keep working on this as the semester continues. I also got to go to my first staff meeting! Administration explained students' senior projects and distributed the rubrics. So that was that.

Overall, I think that this week was a success and I cannot wait to keep working with Mrs. Hoover and her students! I can tell that this is going to be a really good student teaching experience for me! Next week, I am excited and ready to tackle my first class!! 


  1. I am glad that the week went well. I agree that it is important to give your full attention to students when talking with them. I think we all can do better at this at times!

  2. Karlie, glad you had a good first week! What else did you observe and experience this week? What was your favorite teachable moment?

  3. So great that you have your own "space" - take pride in it :)
