Sunday, September 10, 2017

Unit Plans - Weekly Investment #3

So the unit plan. I experienced writing my first unit plan this weekend (and wrote it again when I did not save and my computer froze and lost it 😒) I knew it would be challenging, but it really helped me to understand the importance of planning. Even though I thought I had given myself plenty of time, I would have liked a little more to research more, make sure I was ordering things correctly, etc.

I found a site that helped me to organize all of my thoughts a little better and condensed them in to two essential questions they suggested using:
                         1. What do I want my students to be able to do at the end of the unit?
                         2. How will I know if they will be able to do it? ("10 guidelines")
Dr. Rice re-enforced these questions in class last week as well. Every time I was not sure what to do, I asked myself these questions to help keep my thoughts from wondering and staying off task.

While I am sure my unit plan will have plenty of feedback, I hope I am on the right track!


10 Guidelines for Planning Units. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2017, from


  1. Whoa Karlie I am confused.

    This does not reflect the depth of reflection and thoughtfulness that I have come to expect.

    You can do better. Make these blogs not just "items to get done on a checklist", but rather helpful digital artifacts that you will want to come back to again and again as a useful Resource.!

  2. Dr. Foster,

    While I am not in disagreement with you, I would much rather an email or phone call and we could talk about your concerns. This blog is supposed to be built up to where I would want to share it with a future employer. Comments like these will make it less likely for me to want to share my blog with others - which would inevitably take the value out of it. While criticism, suggestions, and advice are welcome and needed, they would be much more appreciated (and better received) personally.

    Thank you, Karlie

  3. Karlie,
    Feel free to talk to me! As the teacher educator who assigned the blog and use them in the teacher development process, I have a firm grasp of the role, purpose, and authentic evidence of growth we look to have them this.

    Trust me - There is plan, trust the process and I am always looking out/acting in your best interest.

  4. Good thought process on the unit plans! We will get through the unsure stage to write unit plans like the pros!
