Sunday, April 8, 2018

Week 13: Lucky number 13

Well, while I don’t consider 13 to be a lucky number, my grandma does - she was born on Friday the 13th. And I have to say this week, overall, has probably been one of the better weeks of the semester. #feelinggood

I am not going to lie when I say I was on the struggle bus a little on Monday. Nothing bad happened, but nothing really went as planned either. However, Tuesday I bounced back - not only were my classes good for the day (mostly - down pouring rain affected one activity), but I was able to have all my sub materials for Mrs. Hoover ready for Wednesday before 3. #winning!

While I don't have a picture #failing - on Tuesday, a PhD candidate from Cornell University came to talk to the students about her research on insulin resistance in sheep.

Wednesday, I made he trip to Washington County Public Schools, Maryland - check out that blog! #greatPD
While I was traveling, Mrs. Hoover and the students put together our composter! Pallets and zip ties!

Thursday continued to go well. I have felt comfortable in the classroom for awhile, but now it just feels natural and wonderful. Everything seems to go smoother and I am much better at thinking on the spot.  #naturalisbetter

Thursday, Master Gardeners came in and talked to us about raised garden beds and how to make them successful as part of our community based unit!
Then Friday sealed the deal with Dr. Ewing’s visit. Mrs. Hoover finished up my final evaluation and finished it with an A. I received really good feedback from Dr. Ewing and passed my PDE final evaluation. #withflyingcolors

I can’t believe I only have two weeks of this experience left. I want to enjoy it for longer - however, I am also excited to be in my own classroom! #future

Saturday, I was able to go to the Washington County Farm Bureau Meeting with 7 students. Mrs. Hoover was unable to make it. This experience was very real to me and if I did not know if was doing the right thing before, I do now. #madetherightdecision

I have to say this week, while number 13, was pretty lucky. #13canbelucky

Students at the Farm Bureau Dinner. The were polite and respectful for the evening and did a great job speaking to the community members. They also led the banquet in the pledge of allegiance. 


  1. Karlie,
    It was great to visit a few days ago. I look forward to seeing the great things you do in the remaining time. You have a lot of great activities planned!

  2. Karlie, congratulations on a successful final evaluation! While a busy week like the one you had could prove to be daunting, you abilities to plan and adapt helped you sail through it smoothly. As you head into your last few weeks, what are some things you still hope to learn from Mrs Hoover?
